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Funeral Options Story Excerpts

A Museum of the Dead, for the Living

When Houston, Texas comes to mind one may think of the Astrodome or perhaps NASA and the Johnson Space Center but few people know that Houston is also the home of the National Museum of Funeral History (NMFH). Located in the heart of the Lone Star state, the NMFH is the most prominent funeral home museum in North America, perhaps even the world.Housed in its over 35,000 sq. ft. complex,[...]

Capsula Mundi

What if that cemetery full of granite and stone could be replaced by a sacred forest?An Italian company, Capsula Mundi, is working on just that. Anna Citelli and Raoul Bretzel, both designers, have developed an entirely new casket that promotes the greening of cemeteries. This casket takes on one of nature's most perfect and organic shapes, the egg.The Capsula Mundi is planted into the[...]

How to Have Fun in a Cemetery - By Ryan Lee

Last week I took my son to Costco, and located next to our local Costco is a small, and charming cemetery. As I opened the door to my Yukon XL, that gets thirteen miles to the gallon, so that my son and I could go eat our Costco hotdogs; my son surprised me. He pointed to the cemetery and asked, ¨When are we going to go back there?Granted, it may only be the son of a mortuary veteran[...]

Ecopod - Respecting the Earth, Shaping the Future

When planning your sendoff most people would agree that they would prefer a service that would represent them as they lived their lives. For anyone who spent their life caring for this Earth, doing what they could to reduce their impact on the environment means looking at natural or green burial[...]

Christ of the Abyss

"If we are born of water, so shall I return. Surround me with nature's beauty, not in her darkest tomb." ~ Author UnknownThere are three statues in the world that were all cast from the same mold, two of which are located under the waters of the seas. They are among the world's most popular locations for divers and snorkelers and have also become known as the world's most chosen sites[...]

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Obituaries & Tributes

It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.


Dying is one of the few events in life that's certain to occur, yet one we rarely plan for. Should we spend more time preparing for a two week vacation than we do our last days on Earth?


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Proudly Serving the Communities of Kingston, Sydenham, and Harrowsmith
613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
247 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7L 4V2
613-555-4444 Stoness Funeral Homes: Gananoque
4 Main St
Gananoque, ON K7L 4V2
613-555-6666 Napanee
4 South St.
Napanee, ON K7L 4V2
613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
247 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7L 4V2
613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
247 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7L 4V2