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Organ Donation Story Excerpts

Presumed Organ Donation

Organ donation in the United States and most of the world operates on a specific policy that requires an opt-in from the donor at some point prior to death. This procedure, marked on a specific donor card or on the driver's license, is required for your organs to be eligible for donations after death and without it the medical practitioners have no authority to remove organs. New York[...]

International Organ Donation

The donation of organs for transplantation is a life-providing treatment that has grown in popularity in recent years. Unfortunately, the demand has grown at an even higher rate. The international exchange of organs or tissue is possible but is an uncommon procedure due to this high demand. Exportation of organs for transplantation will only happen if an effort is put forth to find a[...]

Donate your Body

Body donation is the donating of the whole body after death for medical research and examination. Formerly only offered to medical schools it has since expanded to include private programs. Body donation is a useful process for understanding the human body. Whole embalmed bodies are often used for research in anatomy and burial or cremation costs are covered by the institution[...]

Dog Waits For His Master's Return For Ten Years

Hidesaburo Ueno, born in Japan in 1871, was a professor in the agriculture department at the University of Tokyo. His dog, Hachiko, would sit by the front door and see him off for work every day and greeted him at 4 o'clock at the nearby train station when he returned from work.One evening,[...]

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Obituaries & Tributes

It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.


Dying is one of the few events in life that's certain to occur, yet one we rarely plan for. Should we spend more time preparing for a two week vacation than we do our last days on Earth?


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Proudly Serving the Communities of Kingston, Sydenham, and Harrowsmith
613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
247 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7L 4V2
613-555-4444 Stoness Funeral Homes: Gananoque
4 Main St
Gananoque, ON K7L 4V2
613-555-6666 Napanee
4 South St.
Napanee, ON K7L 4V2
613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
247 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7L 4V2
613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
247 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7L 4V2