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Dog Waits For His Master's Return For Ten Years

Hachiko's master died in 1925, but this dog waited at the train station for him every day for ten years until he too died.

Hidesaburo Ueno, born in Japan in 1871, was a professor in the agriculture department at the University of Tokyo. His dog, Hachiko, would sit by the front door and see him off for work every day and greeted him at 4 o'clock at the nearby train station when he returned from work.

One evening, Professor Ueno didn't show up on his usual train. Earlier in the day, on May 21st 1925, Dr. Ueno suffered a stroke and died at the University.  Hachiko went home when his master didn't arrive, but showed up on time the next day to wait for the professor to return on the train. He continued to arrive at the station at 4 o'clock every day, faithfully waiting for his master to return.

Many commuters saw the Professor and his loyal dog together each day when he was still alive. These commuters would bring Hachiko treats and food when he showed up. Hachiko who was now without his master, was sent to the home of relatives or friends, but without fail he continued to wait at the platform every day, searching for his best friend's face in the crowd. Hachiko would, without fail, show up on time at the Shibuya Station when the train was due at the station, and continued to do so for ten years.

Hachiko's endless loyalty for his master inspired many people. Hachiko was a breed of dog that was uncommon in Japan known as Akita. Hachiko became a household name, which created a resurgence in the Akita breed.

Hachiko died in 1935, after ten years of returning to the station every day looking for the professor. The Shibuya train station installed a bronze statue of Hachiko at the exact spot where he waited, where it will always remain waiting for his master.

Hachiko's stuffed and mounted remains are kept at the National Science Museum of Japan. There is a monument for Hachiko next to Professor Ueno's grave in the Aoyama Cemetery in Tokyo. Every year on April 8th, Hachiko's devotion is honored by hundreds of dog lovers who gather at the Shibuya train station for a solemn ceremony of remembrance for the loyal canine.

Read more:

Hachiko: The World's Most Loyal Dog | Gimundo


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