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Ecopod - Respecting the Earth, Shaping the Future

The Ecopod is made by hand and suitable for for burial in traditional cemeteries or woodland sites and can also be used for cremation.

When planning your sendoff most people would agree that they would prefer a service that would represent them as they lived their lives. For anyone who spent their life caring for this Earth, doing what they could to reduce their impact on the environment means looking at natural or green burial options.

Hazel Selina, the designer of the Ecopod was inspired by both the funerary rituals of ancient Egypt and the natural organic shape of the seed. Being a friend of the Earth she made it her mission to design the most environmentally friendly casket that expels minimal to no pollution into the atmosphere when used in cremation or burial.

The Ecopod is a revolutionary design in green caskets being made from 100% recycled materials such as newspapers and mulberry pulp. A pre-war dough machine is used to convert the old newspapers into a paper clay that is then laid out in fibreglass moulds, dried and sanded smooth. The interior of the ecopod is blanketed with a natural calico mattress and if desired, the interior walls can be lined with feathers. The Ecopods are available in a large array of colors (painted with an eco-friendly paint) and screen printed designs. The ergonomic design makes it easy to carry and it's strong yet light weighing only 40 pounds as opposed to a regular wooden casket that weighs 100 pounds on average.

With the natural or green funeral industry growing rapidly, products like the Ecopod are becoming more available. If you want to do your part in keeping the Earth natural and beautiful you may want to start planning your green sendoff.

This moss green Arka Acorn Urn can be used for burial of ashes or as a natural way to keep the ashes of the deceased with you.

The company that makes the Ecopod has also designed and manufactured the ARKA Acorn Urn which is a fully biodegradable receptacle that can be used to store ashes or used in the burial of ashes. Shaped like an acorn and available in russet, moss green and gold colors, the Acorn Urn is manufactured from molded recycled paper and the stalk of the lid is made from a twist of crushed tissue paper.

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Recycled Paper Coffin | Ecopod

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Dying is one of the few events in life that's certain to occur, yet one we rarely plan for. Should we spend more time preparing for a two week vacation than we do our last days on Earth?


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Kingston, ON K7L 4V2
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Gananoque, ON K7L 4V2
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613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
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613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
247 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7L 4V2