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Memorial Sites Story Excerpts

Memorial Brings Past to the Present

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC pays tribute to those who served, fought and died in the Vietnam War. The memorial is a black granite wall with the names of over 58,000 Americans who were killed or went missing during the Vietnam War. The veterans' names are listed in chronological order of when the casualty occurred. An alphabetical directory helps visitors locate names.[...]

A Memorial to Heroic Self Sacrifice

In a small patch of greenery in London, England is Postman's Park, so named because postal workers from the nearby sorting facility used to stay and chat in that area after a long day at work. The tiny park is walled in and against one of these walls, under an awning is the "Memorial to Heroic Self Sacrifice".George Frederic Watts was a Victorian painter and sculptor who proposed the[...]

Hollow Log Coffin Memorial

A memorial of 200 hollow log coffins has been installed in the entrance of the National Gallery of Australia's new building which opened in 2010. These hollow log coffins were created in 1988 by 43 artists to commemorate the Indigenous Australians who died during the European settlement of Australia which began in 1788. These artists created a hollowed coffin for each of the 200 years[...]

Locked in Time for 6,000 Years

We all want to be remembered in one way or another but Thornwell Jacobs took the bull by the horns and decided he wanted his time and the time period he lived in and enjoyed to be remembered in a big way. Jacobs was previously the President of Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia and was bewildered by how little information was documented from past civilizations. To make a change[...]

Where Nature Endures

There are no imposing granite tombstones, no potted plants or candles in holders but there are acres of trees or untouched meadows and meandering paths strewn with wood chips. Natural burial grounds are becoming popular around the world and are the preferred final resting place of nature lovers who want to be buried in a setting surrounded by native plants and trees, birdsong and[...]

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Obituaries & Tributes

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Dying is one of the few events in life that's certain to occur, yet one we rarely plan for. Should we spend more time preparing for a two week vacation than we do our last days on Earth?


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Proudly Serving the Communities of Kingston, Sydenham, and Harrowsmith
613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
247 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7L 4V2
613-555-4444 Stoness Funeral Homes: Gananoque
4 Main St
Gananoque, ON K7L 4V2
613-555-6666 Napanee
4 South St.
Napanee, ON K7L 4V2
613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
247 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7L 4V2
613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
247 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7L 4V2