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Cemeteries Story Excerpts

The Sky's the Limit - Even for the Dead

With large scale concerns such as global warming people are starting to realize that we must conserve our natural resources and do what we can to maintain nature in order to ensure there is a livable planet left for future generations. With these concerns in mind, there have been hundreds of scientists, meteorologists, designers and environmentalists working to develop new concepts that[...]

The Mysteries of St. Louis Cemetery

Littered by the debris of crumbling, sun-bleached family tombs, and a labyrinth of narrow, twisting walkways, the necropolis of the St. Louis Cemetery is perhaps one of the most famous in New Orleans.Located just outside the infamous French Quarter, the ancient crumbling cemetery became prominent housing for the dead in 1789 after city officials closed the St. Peter Street Cemetery[...]

Epitaphs From the Famous and not so Famous

If you have ever visited a cemetery you will notice that on some headstones there is more than the name of the deceased, their date of birth and date of death. Some have a little saying or quote known as an epitaph. An epitaph is a short text honoring a deceased person that is inscribed on their tombstone. Most times the quoted text is chosen by the deceased before they passed and in[...]

Until We Meet Again

Millionaire John Bowman of Cuttingsville, Virginia lost his two daughters at an early age and his wife a year after his last child's death. In 1880, he built a mausoleum across the road from his mansion, which he called Laurel Glen, to hold their remains. More than 125 sculptors and stonecutters worked for more than a year constructing the mausoleum and sculpting a life size statue of[...]

London England's Prestigious Gothic Cemetery

Dominated by Gothic monuments, a plethora of wildlife and a seemingly neglected overgrowth of ivy, briars, ferns and moss, the Highgate Cemetery of London in the United Kingdom is perhaps the most prestigious and well known cemetery in the world. With massive oak trees canopying the surrounding aged crosses, tall obelisks, urns and tombstones within its labyrinth of catacombs that tell[...]

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Obituaries & Tributes

It is not always possible to pay respects in person, so we hope that this small token will help.


Dying is one of the few events in life that's certain to occur, yet one we rarely plan for. Should we spend more time preparing for a two week vacation than we do our last days on Earth?


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Proudly Serving the Communities of Kingston, Sydenham, and Harrowsmith
613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
247 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7L 4V2
613-555-4444 Stoness Funeral Homes: Gananoque
4 Main St
Gananoque, ON K7L 4V2
613-555-6666 Napanee
4 South St.
Napanee, ON K7L 4V2
613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
247 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7L 4V2
613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
247 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7L 4V2