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Jewelry can be very meaningful for those who are grieving, especially when the jewelry is a family heirloom passed down from the deceased.
But what do family members hold onto when their loved one may have no jewelry to pass on? Buying a simple bauble to hold onto and saying it was bought in memory of the deceased may work for some, but there are several companies that craft specialized jewelry for remembrance.
Memorial bracelets have become a widely sold item which can be customized with color or the material in which they are made. The bracelets can also be engraved with a name, date of death and a short verse with which to remember a loved one.
Many of the companies selling memorial bracelets are leaning heavily on their use by military personnel to commemorate a loss in the military family. Memorial bracelets are also being used to mark world events such as the attack on the World Trade Center. Many of these companies are also donating a portion of their profits from the bracelets to charity.
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