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Lover of the Russian Queen

Tsarina Alexandra relied on Rasputin for mystical guidance and his healing powers as a means to cure her son Alexei's hemophilia.

Rasputin, otherwise lovingly known as the "Mad Monk", was a close confidante and influential advisor to the Romanovs of the Russian empire. He was especially close with Alexandra and their only son Tsarevich Alexei, who suffered from hemophilia. Alexandra felt vulnerable due to Alexei's very delicate condition, so she turned to the faith healer for guidance which she needed in most aspects of her life.

Before the fall of the Romanovs in October 1916, Rasputin was invited to a friend's palace for dinner. This was a plot to kill Rasputin, but it proved to be fraught with difficulty. Rasputin was offered some wine and pastries, which were laced with cyanide. His "friends" believed that this would be enough to kill him. However, the cyanide had no effect on him and the assassins became worried. They decided to shoot Rasputin instead. After shooting him, Rasputin appeared to be dead. However, hours later Rasputin regained consciousness and began to run out of the palace. Once again, they shot him in the back and in the head. They kicked and beat him with a dumbbell, but Rasputin still clung to life.

Eventually they decided to tie his arms and legs together, wrap him in a rug and throw him into the freezing river.

Rasputin was soon found, and he was pronounced dead from drowning. His hands were found frozen in a raised position, which gave the impression that he was trying to fight to get out of the water.

A small funeral was held for Rasputin by the Romanovs.


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