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A Big and Small Discovery

Unearthed burial place of Moche people.
The Moche was a cultural group that occupied northern Peru from 100-750 AD.

From 1997 to 2001, Archeologists discovered a series of three unlooted tombs in a 1,500-year-old Moche pyramid in Peru. The Moche were a cultural group that occupied northern Peru from 100-750 AD. They were a fearsome people who participated in human sacrifice.

The tombs held five skeletons surrounded by textiles, ceramics, llama skeletons, and decorative metal works. These skeletons were young men who were unusually tall for their time 5 feet 9 inches to 6 feet tall the average Moche male averaged 5 foot one inch. This is the equivalent of a seven foot man in today's society. This extraordinary height somewhat baffled archaeologists who determined that the elongated skeletons are believed to be due to a genetic anomaly called Marfan's syndrome, which can lead to cardiovascular and aortic complications that could have caused the early deaths for these wealthy giants. Other remains found in the area were deemed to have died violent deaths. Broken bones, slit throats and more were found after the remains were studied.

Archeologists also discovered that each tomb contained a miniature version of the tomb. These miniature tombs contained copper figurines of the deceased and miniature versions of the tomb's artifacts. The artifacts found in the tombs included textiles, headdresses, clubs, spears, shields, masks, and other riches. The tiny tombs contained mini versions of all these artifacts. This is something never seen in any culture before, even in the most elaborate Egyptian chambers.

Read more:

Archaeologists Baffled by Tombs Found in Peru |

Tomb of "Giants" Unearthed in Peru | National Geographic News

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Gananoque, ON K7L 4V2
613-555-6666 Napanee
4 South St.
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613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
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613-583-3227 Kingston Branch
247 Bath Road
Kingston, ON K7L 4V2