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Music Floats for Near Death Experiencers

Most people with near-death experiences report hearing music with a beautiful floating sound according to a recent U.S. study.

According to a study conducted by Dr. Joel Funk, Psychology professor at Plymouth State College in New Hampshire, close to fifty percent of people who have had a Near-Death Experience remember hearing music during their unique experience.

Funk reports finding that most Near-Death Experiencers who hear music hear mostly "New age synthesized music", that they describe as"music with a beautiful, floating sound". Funk played music for 60 Near-Death Experiencers from various genres, and reported that some people reacted with tears when they heard music closest to their experience.

Near-Death music experiences are interesting to read about, and for many people it became a life-changing experience. Dr. Dianne Morrissey was a clarinet player in a symphony and would listen exclusively to classical music, disregarding all other genres. After her Near-Death Experience she was not able to pick up a clarinet or listen to classical music any longer, and instead chose to embrace all other genres of music and begun teaching people on how to have out-of-body experiences.

After a bike crash led to a Near-Death Experience, musician Steve Roach dedicated his life to recreating the music he had heard. His recording is called "Structures from Silence" and he claims that others who have had a Near-Death Experience will tell him that they heard similar music.

Many stories about individual experiences can be found at the link below.

Read more:

Music | Near-Death Experiences


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